| 1. | Information service provider isp 信息业务提供者 |
| 2. | Examples of such business entities would be any internet portal or information service provider 这种商业实体的示例可能是任何因特网入口或者信息服务提供者。 |
| 3. | The internet information services provider does not support committing the cache after each operation Internet信息服务( iis )提供程序不支持在每次运算之后提交缓存。 |
| 4. | Information service providers are programs that provide information to the directory about the state of resources 信息服务提供方是指那些为目录提供资源状态信息的程序。 |
| 5. | The two markets and the three services will be an important sign of china telecom ' s effort to become a comprehensive information service provider 这两个市场和三大业务渗透着中国电信要做一个综合信息服务商的智谋。 |
| 6. | This year china telecom ceo , wang xiao chu , said china telecom ’ s strategy is transformation from traditional network telecom company to a comprehensive information service provider 今年中国电信ceo王晓初上任后,明确提出了中国电信将从传统的“网络运营商”向“综合信息服务提供商”转变的战略目标。 |
| 7. | Aftermorethanone year of perfecting the theory and nurturing of the concept , in 2006 china telecom focused their work around the goal of creating a comprehensive information service provider 经过一年多时间理论上的磨合和观念上的培养,在2006年的工作中,中国电信围绕转型、打造综合信息服务商的思路全面展开。 |
| 8. | On december 19th 2005 , china telecom corporation also held a work conference , with the topic of increasing the pace of transformation , finding new models of development and building the company as a comprehensive information service provider 2005年12月19日,中国电信集团公司召开工作会议,会议的主题是加快企业转型,创新发展模式,全力打造综合信息服务商。 |